Annual and Golden Wedding anniversaries & Co: Tips for reigniting your love

Butterflies in your tummy. Rose-colored glasses on your nose. Or, a sense of floating that takes hold of your entire body. Just as if you are sitting on a cloud. These are words used by many to describe love. And yet: all of them are merely outlines that come short of describing a feeling that is too meaningful to encapsulate in words. It needs to be sensed. And, every individual senses it in their own way. There is one thing, though, they all agree on: There can be nothing without love. And this is why most people wish to enjoy and keep alive for as long as possible the one-of-a-kind feeling they have for one another. However, that might be easier said than done. Any relationship that lasts for many years is in danger of literally losing its spark. Obviously, some more than others. This fact speaks to a rather inconvenient truth: There is nothing unusual about it because relationships change. The tender magic of their beginnings is simply hard to trap and preserve in a mason jar, if you will, in order to release it again when facing difficult times. The good news: If you enter into a relationship knowing that there will be ups and downs and you are willing to grow with one another, you will experience a bond that is much stronger than any newly found love can provide. The key requirement for such a bond is the willingness to work on your love. Every day. And there are some tips and tricks for this labor of love. We will give a few tips for reigniting the spark of your love – on special occasions such yearly or Golden Wedding anniversaries, but, above all, continually in your everyday life.

10 tips on how to reignite the love you share with your partner

Before we look at our specific tips, let us be clear on one aspect: Every relationship is different. However, every good relationship rests on the same solid pillars. These are, first and foremost, trust, good communication and honesty. They are complemented by the aforementioned willingness to jointly work on the relationship – for instance, by following our tips. 


1.) Surprise your partner

For a relationship to work, both partners need to be prepared to make some compromises. This is essential and beneficial. Over time, however, some couples run the risk of giving up their own “Me” over the joint “We”. Which means: They adapt. And, at some point, they know exactly what makes their partner tick. Generally, there is nothing wrong with knowing each other well. The risk, however, is: Some people become so comfortable and stuck in their ways that they become lost in their daily routine. Not only is it better to retain sufficient autonomy, but it also helps to surprise each other every now and then. Such surprises are not limited to demonstrating thoughtfulness or nice gestures, such as an invitation to a concert or flowers, but also include love for adventure or adopting new perspectives. Every once in a while, be critical, unpredictable, childish or bold – but always remain respectful!

2.) Dare to share an adventure

The following tip is closely linked to the first one and also intended to give new sparkle to your love. After all, only those who jointly dare something new – no matter if this new venture is “only” the menu of a new restaurant or a bungee jump – will break out of their routine and, better yet, strengthen their sense of connection. What is more, these bold individuals will also create memories that will last both of them for a long time. A shared change of scenery to escape the daily grind will also remind them of what they love about their partner as they will rediscover their partner in a new setting. And, if their adventure drives them to jointly test their limits, they will surely remember their experience for a long time. Muster the courage to go on an adventure!

3.) Spend time by yourself

Every relationship is sustained as much by the time spent together as it is by the time the partners spend on themselves. Besides offering a good opportunity to pursue your hobbies, these personal downtimes also allow you to cultivate your friendships. Time spent alone is furthermore important as it lets you think, collect your thoughts and become clear about certain things. After all, a partner who sticks with their goals and manages certain aspects of their lives by themselves remains interesting and attractive for the long term. These qualities will preserve your partner’s aura of the unknown. And, it ensures that there is always something new to discover about the person of your heart – even after many years. Finally, time spent apart will continually provide new topics of conversation. In conclusion, feel free to explore things by yourself, plan touring a city with a friend, go on a pilgrimage or take that course in cocktail-making you have been thinking about for a while! And: Assist your partner in achieving their goals and give them the room and time for what they wish to do on their own!



4.) Snuggle with each other

Naturally, no couple can live without spending time together. And, an essential part of this shared time is close bodily contact. After several years – or even decades – bodily contact if frequently reduced to exchanging a kiss every now and then. The standard excuse is: I don’t have the time. A brief span of cuddle time on the couch carved out for the evening or even before or after noon can work wonders. This is owed to the fact that skin-to-skin contact releases the feel-good and cuddling hormone oxytocin. It reduces aggression, fear and stress and helps strengthen your bond. We feel more closely connected, have the heart to talk about our feelings and make each other feel secure. So, make sure to never skip the brief cuddle session at the end of an exhausting day!

5.) Give the gift of listening and attentiveness

Listening to each other and devoting attention to your partner are of paramount importance to every relationship. And yet, these are also exactly the aspects that become challenging for many as time progresses. For many, their daily grind throws a wrench into these efforts. However, only if your partner feels understood and appreciated will you create an atmosphere of mutual trust. Furthermore, it will reassure your partner that they are not being taken for granted and, thus, confirm that they are instrumental to your life. Therefore, make sure to listen to your partner, allow them to explain their point of view to you and convey to them that every opinion matters and that there is no topic of conversation in your relationship that is off-limits. Acknowledge their accomplishments, praise them for overcoming difficulties or occasionally send them a note with a compliment.

6.) Be thankful

The longer a relationship lasts, the greater our tendency becomes to focus on what is not going our way and on what our partner has done wrong instead of being thankful for everything that we may have already come to take for granted. Therefore, always pay full attention to your partner – and every facet of their being. Focus on both their weaknesses and their strengths. What do you love about the person of your heart? Which chores do they take off your hands every day? What do they see in you that others do not? Or, what do they do that makes you feel incredibly good? Tell them and say thank you! You can do so in both words and deeds. A perfect vehicle for your gratitude are exceptional gifts that bring out the distinctiveness of your partner and are never “off the rack”. We at Mevisto craft gemstones from the hairs of your partner, which can dangle from chains or bracelets or be worn as a ring. An ideal present commemorating an annual or Golden Wedding anniversary or any other important date.

7.) Abandon certain expectations

In most cases, a relationship is between two people. Not between five or six people and definitely not between a whole circle of friends or the village community. In other words: The media or society in general try to dictate what defines a “perfect relationship”. What makes you a good lover or the ideal girlfriend, when should you have your first child and what qualifies you as a couple when you are taking the liberty of living in separate apartments? The fact is: Relationships are as diverse as human beings themselves. And that is good! Because everyone has their own idea of what defines shared happiness. We thus recommend that you do not give a hoot about the expectations of others. Instead, find out together and at your own pace what is good for you as a couple and what you need to flourish and grow stronger.