Welcome to the Mevisto Blog

Welcome to the Mevisto Blog! Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of our personalized gemstones and jewelry. Here, we share touching stories, inspiring insights, and the magic that surrounds our unique creations. Let yourself be captivated by the beauty and emotion of our products and discover how Mevisto makes your special moments unforgettable.

On our blog, you'll find exciting articles about the latest jewelry trends, exclusive collections, and the fascinating processes behind crafting our unique gemstones. Join us on a journey through the stories of our customers who infuse their special memories into our jewelry pieces. Learn more about the significance and symbolism of gemstones and get inspired to create your own unforgettable moments.


Trauer um ein verstorbenes Haustier: Claudia Kolbs Geschichte rund um „Mucki“ ...

... und was hinter ihrer Initiative „Pfotentrauer“ steckt

Trauer loslassen oder an Verstorbenen festhalten?

Die Vor- und Nachteile eines Edelsteins aus Asche und was das mit individueller Trauer zu tun hat

Mourning the deceased dog: Pascal talks about his Kurti ...

... and why he chose a Mevisto gemstone:

Love in the heart, love in the gemstone

Der schwere Schicksalsschlag von Simone Rockenschaub...

What types of love are there and what characterizes them?

Love - A big word with an even bigger meaning

What is an anonymous burial

Things to know about anonymous funerals

What is spring fever

and what do they do with our hormones?

How can you determine your birthstone?

How to Determine the Birthstone Based on the Zodiac Sign

Learning to let go

Tips and Rituals for Letting Go

10 extraordinary wedding rituals worldwide

Other countries, other customs.

Behind the scenes

The Production Team and Their Tasks in Profile

Getting jewelry repaired

What to Do if a Mevisto Jewelry Piece Breaks?

The metamorphosis of humans

And Tips for Personal Development

Estate and inheritance in the digital age

Information & Checklist

How do you recognize true love?

Signs of True Love

Custom-made products at Mevisto

Personalized jewelry with gemstones for eternity

A Mevisto

Despite Corona, you are close to me

Echte Stories unserer Kunden

I take you to be the person of my heart

Du bist mein Lebensmensch!