Rebranding bei Mevisto:

Über die Bedeutung des neuen Logos

"The only constant in life is change," the philosopher Heraclitus is believed to have once said, and change also plays a key role at Mevisto – in various ways: Firstly, the change from man to memory is at the center of everything we do.

And, secondly, we turn ashes or hair into gemstones. As if that were not enough, we have now undergone a little bit of a transformation as a company as well - more precisely, we at Mevisto have decided on a rebranding with the focus on a new logo. We will tell you today what drove this decision, what the new logo is supposed to signify, and how long it took for the process to complete.


In the beginning was the poodle

The chicken came first. Or was it the egg? This has been a debate among researchers for years. And we too can only guess as to which is which, because with us it was a completely different animal that set the tone from the beginning: a poodle. Why actually? Well, said poodle really existed, i.e. lived a real life. "Einstein" was the name of the four-legged friend who accompanied the owner’s family for years. But not only that: He also served as a hair donor and thus played an important role in the development of Mevisto gemstones.

This is exactly why we incorporated him into the logo - turning him into our heraldic animal. The problem: A poodle also plays a key role in Goethe's "Faust saga" which relates the tale of protagonist Doctor Johannes Faust: More precisely, it is the devil, who is called Mephistopheles in the play, who first encounters Faust as a poodle before he turns back into his true form.

In response, Faust says in amazement: "So, this was at the poodle's core!" And, this quote went down in history and became a common German phrase. But, while the poodle in this text merely serves as a side character symbolizing the ability to shape-shift, our "Einstein” clearly has remained front and center in everything we do for our customers. And, we have come to realize that this discrepancy left room for too much interpretation.

Reorientation and internationalization

In addition, there was another aspect that became increasingly important for us: As an innovative company enjoying healthy growth and striving to position itself on the international market, the logo was no longer up-to-date and, above all, needed to become distinct and unambiguous - for all the people on earth. We would also like to amplify the focus on our actual brand core: After all, the name "Mevisto" is a reflection of two aspects:


  • Metamorphosis, i.e. the change or transfiguration of a form or state ("Me") and
  • Visualization, i.e. making the transformation visible ("Visto")


In summary, this means: We have been dedicating ourselves to the transformation from the human form, or rather, human ashes or hair to the memory in which humans live on in the form of our gemstones. And, we make visible what is no longer there: the essence and character of a person or an animal, manifested in the corresponding piece of jewelry we create. Or, to put it differently: The personality and soul of this person or animal are immortalized in the respective gemstone or pearl.

The poodle transforms into a butterfly

So, what could our new logo look like? We have been mulling over this question for several months. The fruit of our labor is a new logo that clearly communicates several aspects of our business:


  • Butterfly: Catching our attention at first glance is the butterfly. Depictions of this animal as a symbol of the human soul date back as far as Ancient Egypt and have always shown the insect as a representation of flightiness, fickleness or an easygoing nature. Likewise, the butterfly is one of the most symbolic totem animals - also referred to as power animals or spirit animals. Labeled with this moniker is a spiritual being in animal form that is considered to be a spiritual companion or soul companion.

    This is because there is hardly any other animal that embodies personal transfiguration to the same extent as the butterfly, which transforms from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Therefore, the butterfly - and thus also our logo - epitomize for us the metamorphosis that marks our lives, for moving through different life cycles, for renewal and rebirth, for the world of the soul and the psyche and for everything that transcends earthly matters and detaches itself from them.
  • Infinity: Our logo contains yet another element of symbolism: The wings of the butterfly converge into one another, forming a sign of infinity. This signifies the infinity of our being, extending beyond our earthly existence. It focuses on coming into being and passing away and on the eternal flow of life.