What is the cost of a funeral?

Funeral methods and costs associated with different forms of burial

The Austrian company MEVISTO specializes in processing hair and ashes into stones in order to create memories for eternity. Memories of your loved ones. Memories of the deceased.

However, if a person dies, the question arises before the production of the special MEVISTO memorial stone as to how the deceased can be accompanied from our earthly world to another - a new - world. Today, there are numerous forms of burial and alternative funeral methods. The questions of how the farewell of a loved one transpires, what possibilities there are and what the different forms of burial costs will be discussed in this MEVISTO expert blog:

[Translate to English:] Totenschein, Totenbeschauer, Verstorbener, Beisetzung, Bestattungskosten

"You live on in my memory!” Details on the farewell process:

Before a deceased person can be buried, a death certificate must be issued by a so-called coroner at the earliest possible time after death. In addition to so-called administrative fees, the relatives of the deceased must expect to pay, above all, the costs associated with the planning and execution of the individual burial.

“Ashes to ashes. And then to stone.” Different forms of burial:

In Europe, burials are generally grouped into the two categories of cremation and in-ground burial. While the deceased is burned during cremation and cremated in a crematorium, the body of the deceased buried in the ground remains intact in a coffin. The urn, in turn, serves as a container for the ashes of the deceased.

During both types of burial, the body of the deceased is dressed and, if applicable, laid out. Flower bouquets, gravestones and obituaries are, if requested by the bereaved, components found in both burial traditions.

Whether they opt for an urn or an earth grave, the bereaved will be charged a so-called usage fee for the provision of the final resting places. In each case, the fee is valid for 20 years after payment.

“From hair and ashes to stone - memories for eternity”. The MEVISTO gemstone funeral:

To celebrate the memory of our dearly departed, MEVISTO creates rubies and sapphires from the entirety of the elements contained in the hair or ashes of the deceased.
MEVISTO gemstone funeral thus includes not only the production of the personalized memorial stone, but also the burial by MEVISTO, as well as the cremation and various services of the undertaker.

For a detailed list of services and costs linked to a MEVISTO gemstone funeral, as well as all other costs for various forms of burial, click HERE.